Our Travels

August & September

September 26, 2009 12:07 pm

Life continues to be busy, which has been good.  After the sailing trip, I took a trip to Missoula to spend time with my uncle, aunt, and cousin in my grandfather’s old house.  We had a great time hiking, rafting, and lounging while enjoying plenty of raspberries from the garden.

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Shortly after arriving back my third adorable nephew was born.  At a week old, he spent 5 days in a hospital with a fever and I spent some time entertaining the older two.

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September 11-13, I participated in the Breast Cancer 3-Day for the seventh time.   I’ve walked four times but I was crewing for my third time this year.  I enjoy driving the sweep van, cheering walkers on, and supporting walkers who have a hard time.  The 2009 Seattle 3-Day raised over 5.5 million dollars for breast cancer research and education.

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